Thursday, September 23, 2010

3rd trimester

Well, I have no excuse for my lack of posting since I was on bedrest... or maybe that WAS my excuse since I did absolutely nothing! For most of July and the first part of August, I was on "activity restriction" due to my blood pressure being up. I really missed walking and doing some of the basic things, but took it in stride. I think I've seen every episode of every show TLC has ever made. I had 2 awesome baby showers (one at Summersville Baptist and one at Breckenridge Baptist), we went to the beach (what a fiasco with me!), and I watched other people remodel my bedroom. The beach trip was awesome with the family, but I wasn't allowed to do much and my body let me know if I did too much. Generally, I woke up, laid by the pool, sat in the pool, took a nap, went to dinner, went to bed. One day, we went to the outlets and after 45 minutes, my feet wouldn't fit in my shoes. Such a bummer!

I started to notice something might be more than "a little high blood pressure" after I saw pics from my shower at BMBC. My nose had swollen so much that I barely recognized myself. Having a close friend who had had preeclampsia, I knew that was a symptom. I continued to be on weekly doctor's visits and they kept a close eye on everything, but there still was no protein in my urine. (I totally hate that word). I spent one day not on my butt all day, and that was the day Sarah Beth and Matt got hitched; what an awesome weekend! But by the end of it, I was pooped and had a rather bad headache. I took my blood pressure regularly for the next 2 days and it continued to stay up, really up. I went to teacher's first day of school and awaited a phone call back from my OB. When I heard from him, he wanted me to be seen the next morning and he told me to bring clothes for a possible hospital stay (ugh). He was right, they checked me in for monitoring and to do a 24 hour urine (eww) collection. That was such an awkward test! I had to pee in a hat, and then pour it into this container and store it in a cooler in my bathroom (a tailgating nightmare). After 24 hours, they tested all that had been collected for protein and voila! protein. I had a case of mild preeclampsia and was officially on real bedrest. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I'm not good at being still. I looked forward to my biweekly doctor's visits where I had monitoring once a week and an ultrasound once a week. I would shave my legs, straighten my hair, do anything that made me feel like a human again. Just awaiting the words "lets have this baby!".

The bedrest helped with some of my swelling (eventhough I didn't recognize myself and I laughed when Lee told me I was beautiful). Lee brought as much of his work home to help me out as he could. He was a champion who never said "Do you really need another glass of water??". I took Benadryl at night to try to get some sleep between my 6 pee breaks a night. But still, being pregnant wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. The worst part, for me, was being concerned for Nina's safety if my bp went up and they wanted to take her before shew as ready. Just a waiting game at this point...

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