Wednesday, March 24, 2010


So, last week, I was taking my normal after-school nap and as I was dozing off, I was awakened by a sudden jolt inside of my abdomen. It scared me to death! I jumped, grabbed my side, and then realized that it must have been a kick! I know it's earlier than most people feel a kick, but I seem to be showing earlier than I should be too. A week later, Lee and I were getting ready for our afternoon nap on Sunday and I felt like a butterfly got turned loose and was fighting to get out of my stomach. I have felt it everyday since Sunday and it's just the best. Yesterday, while teaching my Spanish I class, I found it hard to concentrate enough to teach because I didn't want to miss a single motion. (It seriously felt like a propellar in my stomach)

My appointment last week was great! It was so good to see my OB (who is a great friend of ours) and everything looked great! I have only gained 1 pound (which according to my scales this morning, has since been lost again) and the heartrate was solid between 150-160. I go back the week after Spring Break for my next checkup and then I'll get my orders for my next ultrasound (the gender one!!)

I'm feeling especially ginormous. I have friends that are due before me that can still button their pants and I've been in maternity clothes for 3 weeks now. (Makes me feel especially huge) My acne is still holding on, but I have a good feeling that it's about to turn a corner. My need to nap still hasn't let up, but I had that need before I got pregnant, so maybe it's just me!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Week 12

Finally!! We are in the last week of the first trimester! I was starting to wonder if this day would ever come! (And am secretly hoping that the need to nap will not leave, because it's very reminescent of my college days) However starting at the middle/endish of week 9, I started this dry-heave, horrible stuff that really has made me look forward to being done with this trimester! It hits me usually during first block. There's typically no nausea with it, just running for the bathroom where I hack, gag, and heave, but nothing ever happens. It is starting to drive me plain batty!

On a less gross note, the belly (as you can see above) is starting to grow. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror while getting ready the other morning and honestly didn't recognize that body! There are a few times I look at myself and forget that I'm growing a life and think I need to start dieting like never before. Then, I remember, oh yea! I'm supposed to look that way! The growing belly seems to be accompanied by a lot of bloating and gas which has caused me to move mostly to maternity pants to avoid any extra pressure on my belly; man those things are comfy! Due to the fact that I am definitely vertically challenged, I was really excited to find petite jeans at Motherhood. (Speaking of being short, did I tell you that when I went to my first doctor's appointment, they told me I am actually 5'2"?? I've always thought I was 5'1". I nearly jumped out of my skin with excitement!)

Otherwise, I'm feeling great. Still trying to fit in aerobics 2-3 times a week. (Eventhough I have to stop a few times to go pee) I do feel like my energy is slowly returning. My cravings have been limited to my best friend, Katie's mom's chicken salad recipe (Which has been made and devoured) and milk. I'm not sure if milk is because I can finally have it, or if it's a real craving, but I completely forgot how good it was!!

Next doctor's appointment is Tuesday, stay tuned!