Thursday, February 24, 2011

A new take on an old concept

For my whole life, I have been in church nearly every week. I have read the Bible cover-t0-cover several times. I have even heard sermons preached on this exact verse numerous times. But one day, a tweet changed it all for me. A few weeks ago, I accepted a challenge presented to me on Twitter to go a whole day without complaining. This was based on Philippians 2:14 ("Do everything without grumbling or arguing." NIV). I never had an idea how much I complained in a given day! This posed an especially hard task seeing that at the time I had a cold and I desperately wanted to gripe about how badly I felt! A fresh perspective given on a scripture heard over and over again.

It brought me to the thought of how much that falls into the category described in Philippians 2:5b "...have the same mindset as Christ Jesus." When it is brought to the forefront, how little do we do this? I find myself complaining about basic inconviences of life. ("I don't want to go to work today." "I don't want to cook dinner tonight." "Nothing in my closet looks right.") and I forget to only use my breath to bring honor to God (Psalms 150:6). I have been so convicted over my attitude that sometimes, I can think of nothing else.

Then I started reading all of Philippians 2: so much to ponder! Take a few minutes and read it. Be Mary, and ponder these things in your heart.

"Then you too should be glad and rejoice with me" Philippians 2:18 NIV

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