Saturday, January 26, 2013

There's an app for that!

It seems as if all of my blogs recently (if you can call the last few years "recently") have started with some rendition of "it's been forever since I've blogged, but I'm going to do better" and here we are, nearly a year later and I still haven't done better. However, I have found the holy grail of blogging: an app! Congratulations! You're about to be completely enthralled with my very boring life (and I like it that way)!

This past Christmas, I found a Christmas card that was a picture card, but it had "Top 5 memories of 2012". I could think of at least 5 just for Lee and 20 for Nina (unfortunately, potty training was NOT accomplished that year). Sadly for me, all I could come up with was "a full-time working mom/ pastor's wife who met her goal daily of holding it SOMEWHAT together and neither killing myself, nor innocent bystanders" or "I mastered the art of making a weekly menu" (cue the whistles and confetti).

The good news is, yes, my life can be mundane and totally uneventful, but the truth is that I like it that way. I love the routine of 5:00 am workouts (I MUST be crazy), 3:40 homecomings, playing blocks, cooking dinner, and being in bed by 9:00. I love that the high point of my day is coming upstairs from doing my long run on the treadmill and seeing that Lee built a fire.

So, yes my blog will be about my recipes, my training for my first half-marathon, my women's Bible study, TurboFire, the hilarious and sweet things Nina does (followed by a thousand pics) and the simple things of reading by the fire with Lee.

Stay tuned, sister has an app!

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