Friday, January 14, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things...

So, every year Oprah has her "favorite things" episode where she parades her favorite things in front of America and then gives them away to her audience. So, I figured, why not make a list of my favorite things? I've been through a lot this year with finishing my Spanish degree, being pregnant, being on bedrest, having a baby, and being at home, that I thought I should share some of things that make me happy. So, without further adieu, in no certain order, here is my list! (And don't expect me to give it all away at the end!)

10. Boppy Total Body Pillow I am a devoted back sleeper. I have been made fun of for years about waking up in the exact same position in which I fell asleep. In your 20th week of pregnancy, you are supposed to start sleeping on your side (some doctors specify your left side). This sounded awful to me! Who sleeps on their side the whole night?! The Boppy company made this fabulous pillow that made sleeping wonderful! The pillow became such a fixture in my life (I went nowhere without it), that Lee named it "Bob the Boppy" or just "Bob" for short.

9. My Sonicare toothbrush. At my friend, Michele's, rehearsal dinner, I stated that "I floss anally". What I meant to say is that I am obsessed with flossing. (Way to make a great first impression, right?!) This toothbrush has made brushing our teeth a pleasure in our family and something we look forward to! (Don't make fun!) It is perfect for removing coffee stain (A big problem around our house!) *Note: ask your dentist to order it for you. They get it much cheaper than you can get it for in stores*

8. Clarisonic For Christmas this year, my mom got me this little gadget that I wasn't quite sure to make of. You put your face wash on it, and use it on your face to clean and oh my! does it ever clean!! This is the first time I've been off of Proactiv in 6 years and not had a breakout! (Lee even loves it, but don't tell him I told you... he never reads my blog)

7. A chenille throw blanket. When I was a junior in college, I bought this red throw blanket at Target that I used for every nap. I loved this blanket. So much, that when my friend, Katie, came to visit, she remembered my sweet blanket (that is now across the back of my couch.) It is warm enough for the winter, but cool enough to use to nap in an unairconditioned cabin. It was big enough to go around me when I was on bed rest and soft enough that Nina pets it. A must have.

6. Blue ink pens. In college, I learned that when a professor gave you a handout, it wasn't so easy to scan a page to differentiate between my notes and theirs. I have found this true on greeting cards as well. Just a plain ol' Bic blue ink pen. Love it.

5. Vaseline. Doesn't it fix everything? I often feel like the dad in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" with Windex. Diaper rash? Vaseline. Dry hands? Vaseline. Ring stuck on your finger? Vaseline. Seriously. (Oprah would never have that on her "Favorite Things" show.)

4. Stainless steel water bottle. Even thought we are often made fun of for our over-amount of greenness, these bottles rock! They keep your water cooler and they're safe with the whole BPA scare.

3. Weight Watchers. What a trick to diet while keeping enough calories where I can continue to nurse! I had no idea where to start, so I was eating like I was still pregnant to ensure enough calories for my milk supply. No wonder I wasn't losing baby weight! Weight Watchers has a specific plan for nursing mothers! I get a ridiculous amount of points (I totally had French Toast and bacon for breakfast and still have 22 points left for the day) and never feel deprived. However I am losing at a steady rate of 2 lbs a week (What's recommended to keep it off and for nursing.) Goodbye baby fat! (P.S. Sign up fee is free until March!)

*At this point, I ask Lee what my favorite things are. This is the conversation that happened:
Me: What would you say my favorite things are?
Lee: Me and Nina
Me: This is things not people
Lee: Your breast pump
Me: That's kinda awkward to blog about, don't ya think?
Lee: All of your favorite things are kinda awkward.
Thanks hon*

2. Gripe Water. We found out about this when Nina was a newborn. It is a magic combination of ginger and fennel that instantly cures hiccups. It is mostly made for colicky babies, but works wonders for hiccups, gas, etc. It's mostly Tums for babies and we love it.

1. I debated whether I should put my Kindle or my iPhone 4. Both of which are always by my side. So, lets just call it electronic devices. I used to have a stack of books beside my bed and they always took up a ton of room in my suitcase when we traveled and now it is super compact and you never worry about losing your place. On the iPhone, I used to be a huge believer in my Blackberry, but saw the light when I made the switch. I LOVE this phone. It can do pretty much everything you ever wanted a phone (or person, for that matter) to do.

So, that's that. No, you're not getting any of this free, but consider my advice a gift enough! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Carmen, I'm a huge fan of my Sonicare toothbrush as well. Goodbye coffee stained teeth!
